Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day Four

Everyone is getting along well, specifically Ginny and Eden.  She's has a couple little accidents, but its not really her fault, just gotta be quicker getting her outside after she naps.  We attached her tags to her collar, so now she jingles.  HAVE to fix that before church Sunday.  I might be the only one that latches on to that sound and its really distracting.  A little tape or a rubberband should solve that.

Here's a few pics from the last couple of days.

Sisters taking a snooze after play time.  Pam said Ginny was playing nicely and getting down low to Eden's level, and didn't yip when Eden would nibble on her ears, she's such a good dog.  It took her a while to bond like this with Kody, so its nice to see them together so soon, its only been 3 1/2 days.  It might just be me, but I think Eden is more calm that Kody was.  When they were done playing they both crashed and Pam snapped this pic.
Two pretty girls - Rebekah and Eden were chilling and listening to music, or texting or tweeting. Knowing Bekah, she was probably trying to catch up on some much needed sleep she's missed over the last few nights.

When I walked in  they both looked up and smiled for the camera

Eden was sleeping on Bekah's lap the other night, and started to slide backwards through the rungs of the kitchen chair.  No worries, she slid slowly, she was never in any danger of falling to the floor, and Bekah only held her here long enough to get a few pictures

As I'm typing this, I head "Oh No! Eden!" come from the other room.  Apparently Eden stepped on or sat on the remote control and changed the channel - they were watching America's Next Top Model.

Peter Says from the kitchen : "She's got good taste, I like you girl"

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