Wednesday, March 27, 2013

In The Beginning

Bekah and Eden
On Monday, March 25th around 2:00PM our lives changed a bit.  We received a new seeing eye puppy to raise.  Her name is Eden, and we're hoping she's as peaceful as we all imagine the garden being, because she's just as beautiful.  You'll notice her green ear in the photo with Bekah.  All of the dogs get a tatoo in their ear to help identify them, and the green is left over from that procedure.  Its already started wearing off, in a few days, you'll never notice it.

Eden is our (really Bekah's) second puppy to raise for the Seeing Eye Foundation's Puppy Raising Program.  Kody, our first puppy (a cute yellow lab), was placed last month with a woman in Florida.  So we're up here shivering, and he's in Florida keeping warm. Lucky dog. 

It didn't take Eden long before she started to get to know her step-sister Ginny as seen in the photo to the left.  I'm not sure what Ginny is thinking here, probably, "dog what are you doing?"  OR maybe "... really?  another puppy? what is it with these people?"

In all honesty we weren't going to raise another one, mostly because of our busy schedules, but after seeing Kody pass his town walk (think final exam) we all kind of melted and realized what a great thing it is to have these dogs trained to help the blind.  A couple days later, we discussed it again and were a bit more wishy-washy.  Bekah really wanted a German Shepherd puppy this time, so she asked if we can get a Shepherd can we do it?  And I said ok.  Well woudn't you know, a litter was just born and now we have Eden, a 7-week old German Shepherd.

She is really adorable, and has this cute little growly thing she does, and the other day she was chewing on something and Pam told her no in a nice way, Eden sat down and yipped what I swear was 'No' back at Pam.  Pretty funny. 

She is sleeping in Bekah's room in a small crate for now. Bekah says she likes to wake her up every two hours at night, and despite the crazy sleep she's getting, still seems to like Eden.  I remember this lasting a couple weeks with Kody, so pretty soon Bekah will be able to sleep again.

Here are some more pics, I purposly put in the blurry ones so you can see - she's a puppy, she doesn't sit still yet :)

Using this for a growth chart, I'll take pics every week with her and this green ball

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